SynerGe is Eternea’s programmatic strategy to profoundly transform social institutions and change the nature of social, economic and political systems, helping them to become optimized in fulfillment of their missions and visions in an enlightened manner consistent with The Seven Statements.
SynerGe and its website SynerGe.Org will accomplish this task when funding allows by serving as a highly organized vehicle or platform which unites like-minded Kindred Spirit Organizations (KSOs) under a common umbrella. It functions essentially as a network of networks or a movement of movements by assembling these Kindred Spirit Organizations into focused singular categorical efforts to help engender the action plans and critical mass needed for the overall long awaited, long overdue global paradigm shift.
SynerGe’s goal is to align and mobilize like-minded KSOs from around the world to accomplish together what they cannot do so independently. SynerGe offers resources, grants and other incentives to KSOs to foster unprecedented cooperation and collaboration with, among and between them in their respective areas of concentration.
SynerGe has been designed to nurture strategic affiliated partnerships with, among and between top KSOs in every field of human endeavor addressing every area of concern to our species and our planet, as well as the established social institutions which correspond to them. These organizations are well-established with a long and proud history of championing a myriad of worthwhile causes. But typically, they have done so in an independent insular fashion, which, in some respects, has actually impeded realization of their larger goals.
With the allure of significant annual grant funding, and the enticement of being a part of an historic swelling tide that raises all boats, SynerGe will group together leading KSOs, categorically, by areas of concentration, for the purpose of galvanizing them into a cohesive and highly coordinated force for progress within their respective concentrations. What they can achieve together as a cohesive whole as part of SynerGe will far surpass what they could accomplish individually.
These organizations will come together within the structure offered by SynerGe to collaborate in categorical “think tank” type congresses. Each congress is to be comprised of top thinkers, researchers, scientists and recognized authorities in each field of human endeavor addressing each area of human and planetary concern. They coalesce their knowledge, ideas and expertise in the context of these categorical congresses in an effort to formulate and implement innovative solutions to the major problems and challenges within their fields of focus.
Collaboratively, each congress will produce a one year, three year and five year strategic action plan to accomplish their adopted goals using all the resources at their collective disposal. The implementation of these plans and the realization of set goals takes place through SynerGe’s Onederful-World Leaders (OWL) project and the Veritas Prevale Initiative (VPI), explained in a subsequent section, augmented by the efforts of several existing grass roots organizations which are include political activism and bringing about meaningful legislative action. OWL and VPI function under the purview of SynerGe and will be featured at
History, as well as logic and reason, suggest that creating the best possible future for our species and our planet can be achieved through synergy. By definition, synergy is that state which exists when two or more people or organizations work together in cooperation, collaboration, harmony and cohesion to advance a cause or goal, whereby a result is achieved that is greater than what one or the other could accomplish independently. In the realm of synergy, the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts. It is a symbiotic coming together of formerly disparate energies or elements to accomplish more than what would be possible through independent solitary uncoordinated effort.
A viable strategy is needed to create global synergy among all peoples, nations and cultures on a scale never before seen or attempted to effectively respond to the myriad of serious challenges that threaten humankind’s future and the prospects for its survival. SynerGe is offered as that strategy. It is designed to help facilitate individual and institutional transformation in support of the necessary shift in values, perceptions, attitudes and behaviors which must take place to help Eternea achieve its vision and mission.
To borrow from the wisdom of Confucius some 500 years before Christ, human beings must first be right in their perceptions, then their knowledge, then their thinking and finally their values before they can be right in their actions or their behavior. For the global SynerGe strategy to work, resources are needed to help people transform, thereby transforming social institutions, thereby transforming and advancing civilization. This strategy helped Confucius to improve social organization and governance in his time, so perhaps it has relevance and meaning for our contemporary times as well.
“Ge” is the Greek noun meaning “earth” or “mother earth”. The Greek term “Gaia” is its synonym. Thus, by combining “Synergy” with “Ge” the term “SynerGe” comes about to symbolize or signify many people and organizations working together cooperatively and collaboratively for the greater good of Earth and all its inhabitants where the end result would be much more significant and substantial than what might be achieved through separate independent efforts.
Eternea understands there are many challenges to overcome in order to achieve its desired goals. Practically speaking, how can many transform into one? How can pluralism evolve into singularity? How can disparate competing fragmented ego-centric elements be coalesced into a focused and galvanized force for collective action to promote profound positive global transformation? How can entrenched practices and beliefs which no longer serve our best interest, as well as faulty perceptions of reality, be replaced with greater awareness and understanding? How can humankind evolve from ego-driven self-serving accumulation of personal wealth, possessions and power into “cosmic consciousness” which supports altruistic service to the greater good, universal interconnectedness, interdependence, cooperation, compassion, harmony, cohesion and oneness?
To be sure, this is SynerGe’s most difficult challenge, but to be successful, it must enable humanity to evolve from great to greater to greatness. It must shift basic human nature from the traditional paradigm of “every man for himself” to the more enlightened model of “all for one and one for all.” In order to do so, SynerGe must promote accurate perceptions of reality and a more enlightened understanding of life’s true meaning and purpose.
When, and if, humanity grasps and comprehends the significance of Eternea’s Seven Statements, a sweeping transformation will occur in the way we view ourselves, our planet and our universe. When this day comes the perfect world we seek to live in will be a fully manifested reality and humanity will wonder why it took so long to get there - and why so much unnecessary struggle, hardship, pain and suffering was necessary for it to finally come into being.
As a species hoping to survive these chaotic times, we can no longer hope or leave it to chance that we will someday develop the wisdom, the knowledge and the technologies to correct the situation in which we now find ourselves. Our current circumstances require massive planning and complementary parallel actions focused on many fronts on a scale never seen before in all of human history. This massive effort is called SynerGe and it must come fully into being now if Earth’s inhabitants are to have any real hope of survival or realize a much more perfect world.
To fund its endeavors, SynerGe will organize an annual event called Waking A Onederful World (WOW) explained in a subsequent section. This event is a broad-based global grass roots effort to generate funding of great magnitude each year aided in part by the involvement of prominent celebrities, scientists, political figures and religious/spiritual leaders. In this manner SynerGe will undertake its agenda to synergistically develop and implement viable solutions intended to resolve multiple extinction-level threats that humanity and its home planet are now facing.
Consider all of the problems, needs, threats and challenges now confronting humanity. They are numerous, but chief among them are over-population, environmental degradation, global warming, pollution, energy, famine and hunger, poverty, illiteracy, disease, racial, ethnic and religious conflict, violence, war, nuclear proliferation, corruption, endangered species and human rights, to name but a few.
Now, consider the thousands of non-profit organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) all over the world which exist to address these issues and others. In fact, it is common for hundreds of charities, if not thousands, to be focused on the very same issue or cause. For example, think about how many non-profit entities exist today focused solely on environmental concerns. It is a long list indeed, which produces many overlapping and duplicated efforts.
So many different organizations and individuals envision and desire to realize a safer, happier, healthier world. Millions of people, if not billions, yearn for a brighter future and more advanced civilization where the problems, needs, threats and challenges of today are all satisfactorily resolved. For decades, many have called for a “paradigm shift” or a “new age” or “higher civilization.” But until the conceptualization of SynerGe, no one has provided a viable road map to this destination or credible leadership to guide us there, or a feasible strategy to bring us all into alignment for this purpose. SynerGe may be the answer to the age-old question of how we might get from where we are now to where we want to be in the most effective, efficient and expedient way possible.
Undoubtedly more progress will be achieved by working together cooperatively and collaboratively than by independent solitary efforts. History is replete with examples of what human ingenuity and teamwork can bring about when applied in equal measure with focus, resolve and perseverance. Yet, to what degree are the independent efforts of the non-profit organizations of the world optimally coordinated within their respective areas of concern or across different areas of concern? To what extent is there fragmentation, duplication of effort, inefficiency and failure to beneficially align with one another to further their cause or other unrelated but compatible, complementary causes?
Inarguably, the majority of these organizations and the well-intentioned people who govern and manage them would be delighted to work together synergistically with their fellow charities in joint pursuit of common goals. However, at present, there is no mechanism or vehicle or methodology in place that can facilitate a coming together of these organizations to bring about unprecedented coherence, coordination, cooperation and collaboration among them. Yet, such an umbrella organization is clearly needed and would be a welcome resource to those who understand the benefit of joining forces to have a greater probability of realizing a shared vision for the best possible future. Think of how much more could be accomplished within each area of concern, as well as among and between different areas of concern if synergy of this magnitude became a reality. It would be “Onederful.”
SynerGe is needed to engender and actuate the massive synergy that is required. It must be the “real deal” meaning that it must lead by example. Also, it must be deeply rooted in integrity and impeccability. It must be carefully and tightly controlled for it can be only as effective as the people who manage it and govern it. By its actions and example, it must earn the trust and respect of those who would support with their money and those who would participate in it as engaged members. Therefore, it must not reinvent the wheel by duplicating the mission or vision of any existing organization. Likewise, it must not wave its own flag except for the sole purpose of waving all flags of all organizations that belong to it and stand ready to be part of a global synergistic solution in contrast to others who prefer to continue going it alone.
SynerGe cannot and must not be for itself, but rather must be for all others. Its sole purpose is to empower others to be more effective and successful at the missions they have undertaken. By nature, it must be inclusive, not exclusive, exoteric not esoteric. It must substantively represent in all of its actions that it is a true representation and embodiment of the higher civilization and sustainable future it seeks to create and purports to be about. It cannot and must not come across as a self-absorbed vested interest that has its own insular self-serving agenda.
Such a coming together would be profound in its implications and ramifications. It could provide the proverbial “critical mass” needed to affect broad-based international policy reform in all areas of greatest concern, and could stimulate quantum leaps forward in human growth and development. It could catalyze a tremendous grass roots/bottom -up global campaign to create the best possible future we can collectively envision. But why would and how could so many disparate, diverse, independent and unaligned organizations and individuals ever come together to this extent? Is this just fanciful idealistic thinking, or could it actually happen? What would it take to make it happen?
Disparate people and organizations will only unite around common interests when they perceive it to be in their best interests to do so. SynerGe’s challenge is to clearly demonstrate to all concerned that it is in the best interest of their organizations and their causes, and the future of humanity, to synergistically unite and align under its umbrella. It can only do this through compelling leverage – unmistakable, undeniable, irresistible, unmatched leverage, which can only manifest itself in this instance in five equally essential respects:
(1) Consistent annual grant funding in impressive, substantial amounts;
(2) Extensive celebrity endorsements and participation;
(3) Fingertip access to an unparalleled coalescence of intellectual talent and scientific expertise;
(4) A methodical strategic planning process that brings greater focus, clarity, efficiency and coordination to the independent efforts of many different groups and individuals; and
(5) Credible, capable, competent, impeccable, enlightened, high profile leadership that is imbued with honor, principle, high morality, ethics and integrity, at the helm in governance and management.
SynerGe’s mission is to achieve a synergy of epic magnitude among like-minded non-profit entities and forward-thinking individuals, serving as an umbrella organization that serves six essential functions: 1) Strategy Formulation; 2) Planning & Coordination; 3) Resource Procurement; 4) Grant Disbursements; 5) Grant Monitoring, Evaluation, Quality Control & Accountability; and 6) Successful Implementation of Recommended Actions & Policy Reform.
As envisioned, SynerGe would be a hybrid of the “Chamber of Commerce” model in regard to coordination, networking, alliances and cross-fertilization, and also the “United Way” model in regard to fund-raising, grant allocation and program development for the benefit of member organizations to help them accomplish their goals in a manner consistent with SynerGe’s approved five-year “Master Plan”. In this context, SynerGe functions to network networks and to coalesce their donor bases in an effort to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in achieving mutually shared goals.
Such a plan would set forth annual priorities and a division of labor, as well as recommended actions based on carefully formulated feasible strategies developed by a high caliber cadre of top scientists and leading experts. Just as the United Way and the Chamber of Commerce influence the conduct, structure and operation of their members, so too would SynerGe by virtue of its role as a major source of expertise and funding.
SynerGe proposes to carry out its unique mission through a vast high-powered well-funded global synergy, unprecedented in history and unparalleled in nature. SynerGe proposes to unite into a single force all like-minded, progressive, forward thinking non-profit organizations and individuals who commonly embrace the same general vision for the future of the human race. This would be a dynamic change-oriented and action-oriented alliance of kindred spirits, pooling their combined resources, talent, vision, passion, ingenuity, energy and willpower toward the realization of jointly held goal of optimizing our future for the greater good of all.
SynerGe would simultaneously focus on all of the major issues, problems and challenges now confronting humanity with greatest priority given to those areas that pose the greatest threat to our continued survival and well-being. Through substantial annual grant awards in each categorical area distributed to existing non-profit organizations working in those functional areas, recurrent thematic initiatives would be emphasized and supported in the following general motifs:
1) Mega-Education & Public Awareness Building – Mass Media & Popular Culture;
2) Cutting Edge Breakthrough Research - Frontier Science;
3) Investigative Journalism & Fact Finding for An informed Citizenry;
4) Cultivation of Enlightened Leadership for political office at all levels (OWL project);
5) Incubation & Application of New “Trump Card” Technologies;
6) Progressive Policy Development & Legislative Reform (Veritas Prevale Initiative); and
7) Corporate Ethics & Progressive/Ethical/Conscious Capitalism & Finance.
For example, as regards one general functional area, the environment, SynerGe would plan, fund and coordinate the efforts of member non-profit environmental organizations desiring to undertake programmatic initiatives in each of the seven aforementioned categories, based upon and in adherence with SynerGe’s five-year master plan and a logical division of labor to avoid duplication of effort. SynerGe would plan, coordinate, fund and support the following kinds of thematic initiatives:
1. A massive educational campaign to inform and educate the global citizenry as to the full extent and nature of the problems, the consequences of inaction, and a roadmap to find viable solutions. This would occur at the grass roots level and must be targeted for all ages, genders, and cultures. The ultimate objective is to provide a compelling message of urgency, hope, education, and actionable items to individuals, voters, policy makers, institutions, governmental organizations and elected officials.
2. A marshaling of the best scientists and experts to develop a five-year strategic plan in regard to environmental issues and the goal of sustainability. Examples of specific issues in this functional area would include global warming, deforestation, pollution, destruction of coral reefs, continued degradation of biodiversity, excessive consumption resulting in shrinking renewable and non-renewable resource reserves, water quality and supply, endangered species, and so on.
3. A broad effort to address the development and introduction of new economic and societal models that promote and encourage sustainability and conservation. These models will reflect the true costs of consumption and implement numerous incentives that encourage sustainable actions for individuals, organizations and institutions.
4. Large scale efforts to introduce new strategies and technologies that are in line with reducing the environmental degradation and enhancing sustainability. These programs must place heavy emphasis on investing, discovering and inventing new technologies and infrastructure that promote and utilize renewable and recyclable resources. A number of needed technologies already exist but are dormant from lack of resources or the political will to implement them.
Following this process in each aforementioned functional area, SynerGe would inspire steady incremental progress toward advancing solutions to many of the greatest challenges facing humankind today.
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